Dear my sincere friends until Jannah. I'm fully hope that one day we meet there as Allah will.
Ops~ before I'm going through and forgot, lets us give a lot of praises to Allah because makes us still breathing until now even we never appreciate what was given. However, he doesn't count what he gave to us.
Allah, You are the Most Kindness.
Sejak dua menjak, *ceeh ayat bm kot* Yum diserang penyakit rindu, bersalah dan etc. Bagi yum, perasaan ini cutup menyeksakan. I'm always trying to keep smile even its hard. Sorry for the fake smiles thats i had give to you friends. Maybe i want to censure my sadness. Hurm, please Qayyum don't be so hypocrite anymore.
I do have missed them very much. You are my brothers.
Allah has gave me a lot of lessons especially teaching me to be a humble of servant when I have to face up with another students that very good in their speaking, studying and self-confidencing. They so brave to give their opinions and sometimes when they don't understand what has been taught they will quickly pull hands up to ask what was not understand. Me? ouh, too far to be like them, i have not enough good in speaking English so i do have not ask as i think too shame to ask. How coward i am! please don't be like me. But please stay prays for me to be the best.
What was happened, i think... i should be grateful to Allah. I know, Im planning.. Allah also planning, but He is the best Planners. So i need to admit what was happened to me.
#maaf jika english saya broken. Saya masih bertatih dan berlatih
Betulla kata-kata yang pernah Yum baca,
"mgkin Allah menarik orang yang kita sayang kerana Allah nak lihat kita cinta Allah kerana dia atau kerana Allah."
berharga sungguh kata hikmah ini, maaf bukan nak riyak tapi banyak orang minta Yum menasihati mereka dalam mereka lemah atau untuk menaikkan semangat mereka. Yum lakukan. Alhamdulillah berhasil. Namun, bila diri Yum sendiri rebah di tengah jalan, Yum susah nak bangkit. Ketika inilah segala kesedihan datang kepada Yum,
"kan best kalau kawan-kawan kat MTAQ masih ada."
Hati yum terdetik perasaan ini bukan kerana yum tak appreciate classmates yum di Uni, tp masa di MTAQ Yum akan terima nasihat-nasihat dari mereka walau tidak secara langsung, atau mereka selalu mendengar rintihan yang akan yum sampaikan. Almaklum, mulut ini sangat petah untuk berbicara lebih-lebih lagi berbual kosong. Ya Ampun, tolong jauhkanlah dari sifat ini.
Sebenarnya Allah nak ajar Yum supaya segala kekuatan terletak pada Allah, bukan pada diri sendiri atau sahabat atau sesiapa sekalipun. Jadi di UIA yum dah cuba untuk praktikkan segalanya even do need improvement. Haha takpa asal mencuba. kan?
Irsyad Razali : one of the my bestie friends. Terima kasih kerana senantiasa sudi mendengar rintihan rintihan ku.